Tag Archives: Start up

“These are the GOOD times” (that’s what I keep telling my team)



I don’t think that term for growing a start-up really encompasses all the blood, sweat and tears, nor does it reflect the passion, fun and relationships forged from marching toward a single goal.

Late last year, our CEO had a vision (as most entreprenuers do) to build a killer online version of our brick/mortar company in our niche of the real estate industry (real estate investing).  He’s brilliant.  It’s timely, relevant to the current swirl in the real estate industry and because of one specific KILLER app will be game-changing.  We all beleive it.  Bringing it to life has become our only focus.

If you’ve never had the opportunity to be a part of something from conception to launch, and you are a person that thrives in challenge, I hope you will try it at least once. 

WE ARE COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS TO OUR OCTOBER 15TH <— delayed … fingers crossed for a Feb 09 ALPHA LAUNCH (gulp).

In truth, I can’t wait.  I work best under pressure.  I will get the launch plan done, content developed GUI tested and spread the word – and my personal goal is to have a life while doing it.  Not always easy when you’re in the office 6 days, 12+ hours per…. but as I tell my team when they are feeling the pressure …. “one day we will look back and say ‘these are the good times'”.